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블로그 콘텐츠 배포 네트워크 구축을 위한 5가지 팁(5 Tips for Content Distribution Networks)를 통해 미국 온라인 마케팅 블로거인 Lee Odden을 짧게 소개한 바 있습니다. 그는 미국 TopRank Online Marketing의 CEO이며, Misukanis & Odden Public Relations라는 회사의 공동 창업자라고 합니다.

Lee가 최근에 RSS Ray라고 하는 온라인 마케팅을 주제로 하는 온라인 라디오 쇼(파드캐스팅)에 에 출연하여, 소셜 미디어 마케팅(Social Marketing Media), 블로그 마케팅(Blog Marketing), 보도자료 최적화(Press Release Optimization), Hiring Social Media Consulatnt라는 네가지 주제로 인터뷰를 진행했습니다.

RSS Ray라는 파드캐스팅에는 IBM의 Mike Moran, 파워블로거 Robert Scoble 등이 출연했으며, SEO, 온라인 마케팅, 블로그 마케팅 관련 다양한 저자들이 출연 예정이라 합니다.

하단 링크된 오디오 파일을 통해 상기 4개 주제에 대한 내용들을 참고하실 수 있겠습니다. 하단 내용은 Lee Odden의
The Power of Social Media, Blogs and Online PR에서 가져온 내용들입니다.

Segment 1 - Social Media Marketing:
What is social media? Why is social media becoming important for business marketing? How does the trust fostered by editorial visibility help marketers attract customers? How does social media affect search engine rankings? What businesses should use social media as a marketing tool? Are there certain channels within the social media space that are more attractive than others? Are certain industries more suitable to market via social media? What are some common mistakes people make with social media marketing?

Segment 2 - Blog Marketing:
When should a business use a blog for marketing? What is an online media room and what can it do for a company’s marketing or PR efforts? Why is a RSS feed important?

Segment 3 - Press Release Optimization:
Why are press releases so important for the 21st century? Consumers are viewing news sites and consuming press release information directly, more so than in the past. Are a lot of marketers understanding the power and effectiveness of press releases as marketing tools? Six tips for effective press release optimization. Can press releases be written to actually sell something? Should landing pages be used in conjunction with a press release? How can you measure the results from press releases? Tips for writing press releases and the importance of using multiple media formats and social media with press releases. How to go about implementing a program of marketing with press releases. How should you approach influential bloggers and journalists? Should companies go outside for help to produce social media and press release content? How does TopRank help businesses improve conversions and brand visibility online?

Segment 4 - Hiring a Social Media Consultant:
What are some criteria for evaluating a social media marketing consultant? What does TopRank write about on it’s blog? What kinds of companies does TopRank work with?


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