웹2.0의 개념을 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 도와주는 동영상(Web 2.0 … Beyond E-text)
- Posted at 2007/02/08 21:16
- Filed under 소셜 커뮤니케이션/소셜 미디어 커뮤니케이션
- Posted by 쥬니캡
오늘은 4분 30여초의 짧지만 매우 유익하고 쿨한 동영상을 포스팅합니다.
관련 동영상은 Digital Ethnography라는 미국 캔사스 주립대학 소속 학생 및 교수들이 디지털 문화의 가능성을 탐색하고 확장하기 위한 연구 모임에서 올린 4분 30여초 짜리 영상자료입니다.
동영상은 "Text is linear"라는 문구로 시작됩니다. 영상이 전개되면서 text들이 계속 작성되고, 업데이트되고, 대표 온라인 소셜 미디어를 보여주고, 전체적으로 어떻게 Web2.0에 변화하고 있는지 아주 이해하기 쉽게 묘사하고 있습니다.
주요 영상 내용 중 공유하고 싶은 text 중 조금은 강조해고 보고 싶은 부분은 하단과 같습니다.
.... People sharing,trading and collaborating ....
Download High Quality Version
Final Draft coming March 8th!
The following poetic transcription was provided by
Tanya Witherspoon
Wichita State University
Text is linear
Text is unlinear
Text is said to be unlinear
Text is often said to be unlinear
Text is unlinear when written on paper
Digital text is different.
Digital text is more flexible.
Digital text is moveable.
Digital text is above all…hyper.
Digital hypertext is above all…
hypertext is above all…
hypertext can link
hypertext can link
or here…
virtually anywhere
anywhere virtually
anywhere virtual
The WayBack Machine
Take Me Back
Oct 17, 1996
View Source
Most early websites were written in HTML
HTML was designed to define the structure of a web document.
p is a structural element referring to “paragraph”
LI is also a structural element referring to “List Item”
As HTML expanded, more elements were added.
Including stylistic elements like B for bold and I for italics
Suck elements defined how content would be formatted.
In other words, form and content became inseparable in HTML
Digital Text can do better.
Form and content can be separated.
View Source
XML was designed to do just that.
same with
and virtually all other elements in this document.
They describe the content, not the form.
So the data can be exported,
free of formatting constraints.
Latest News
Anthro Blogs (124)
Savage Minds
8apps: Social Networking for Productive People
Antrho Journals (124)
University of California Press
Journals Digital Publishing
Current Anthropology
With form separated from content, users did not need to know complicated code to upload content to the web,
I’m Feeling Lucky
Create Blog
Name Your Blog
Beyond Etext
Choose a template
Your blog has been created!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Hello World!
There’s a blog born every half second
and it’s not just text…Search
Broadcast Yourself
This is a video response to The Beauty of Being Human
Ahoy mwesch!
Upload Photos
Anthropology club
Created by you.
KSU Anthropology club
Club Photos
XML facilitates automated data exchange
two sites can “mash” data together
flickr maps
I’m Feeling Lucky
Fluffy and white
Brushy Creek
Tokyo Delve’s Sushi B..
Who will organize all of this data?
digital ethnography hypermedia anthropology
Who will organize all of this data?
We will.
You will.
XML + U & Me create a database-backed web
a database-backed web is different
the web is different
the web
we are the web
I’m Feeling Lucky
We Are the Web
by Kevin Kelly
“When we post and then tag pictures
teaching the Machine to give names,
we are teaching the Machine.
Each time we forge a link,
we teach it an idea.
Think of the 100 billion times per day humans click on a Web page
teaching the Machine”
the Machine
Highlight and Sticky note
Mwesch’s private note
the machine is us
Digital text is no longer just linking information…
Hypertext is no longer just linking information…
The Web is no longer just linking information…
The Web is linking people…
Web 2.0 is linking people…
…people sharing, tracing, and collaborating…
Web 2.0
edit this page
We’ll need to rethink a few things…
We’ll need to rethink copyright
We’ll need to rethink authorship
We’ll need to rethink identity
We’ll need to rethink ethics
We’ll need to rethink aesthetics
We’ll need to rethink rhetorics
We’ll need to rethink governance
We’ll need to rethink privacy
We’ll need to rethink commerce
We’ll need to rethink love
We’ll need to rethink family
We’ll need to rethink ourselves.
Michael Wesch
Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology
Kansas State University
Digital ethnography
@ Kansas State University
music by DEUS “There’s Nothing impossible”
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5
Another time-coded transcript by Jesper Rønn-Jensen is also available here
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- Social Media, 소셜 미디어, 웹2.0
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- 1 Trackback , 10 Comments
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초보자를 위한 웹 2.0 소개?
Tracked from To live like a Dust.. 2007/02/09 18:16 Delete『웹2.0의 개념을 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 도와주는 동영상』이라는 글과 동영상을 보았습니다.웹 2.0 의 개념을 명확하게 잡고 있진 않지만, 대강은 알고 있는 제가 보기에도 정신없는 동영상..