에델만 본사 뉴 미디어 보고서 - The Next Generation of Communication
- Posted at 2007/09/20 15:56
- Filed under 소셜 커뮤니케이션/소셜 미디어 커뮤니케이션
- Posted by 쥬니캡
지난 6월 10일, The New Media Academic Summit 포스트를 통해 2007년 6월 7일 저녁과 6월 8일 저희 Edelman 본사와 PR전문 잡지인 PRWeek가 공동으로 뉴 미디어를 주제로 컨퍼런스를 진행한다는 소식을 간단히 올린 바 있습니다.
오늘은 관련 행사를 진행하고 나온 리포트 New Media Academic Summit 2007 - The Next Generation of Communications 에 대한 내용을 공유하고자 합니다.
상기 링크된 리포트에 따르면, 관련 행사에는 마케팅 전문가, PR 전문가, 기자, 학계 교수 등 90명 정도의 업계 전문가들이 참가하여 New Media라는 큰 주제 아래 양일간 논의를 진행했다고 합니다.
자, 그럼 각 주제별로 Key Learning Points를 정리하면 다음과 같습니다.
오늘은 관련 행사를 진행하고 나온 리포트 New Media Academic Summit 2007 - The Next Generation of Communications 에 대한 내용을 공유하고자 합니다.
상기 링크된 리포트에 따르면, 관련 행사에는 마케팅 전문가, PR 전문가, 기자, 학계 교수 등 90명 정도의 업계 전문가들이 참가하여 New Media라는 큰 주제 아래 양일간 논의를 진행했다고 합니다.
자, 그럼 각 주제별로 Key Learning Points를 정리하면 다음과 같습니다.
The Chaning Media Environment - Key Learnings
• Every company can now be a media company. Through Web sites, social
networks, videos, photos, blogs, and other outlets, corporations can communicate directly—without filters— with their stakeholders.
• Every media company is a multimedia company. Media companies are no
longer expected to limit their output to one format. Daily newspapers create
videos and blogs; TV networks develop written content; everybody blogs.
• Citizen journalism has its place alongside “traditional” media. It is being widely accepted that blogs and citizen journalism are not replacing traditional media, but have a special role to play along with traditional media.
• Academic programs best serve budding journalists with traditional
reporting and Web-based skills.
• Every company can now be a media company. Through Web sites, social
networks, videos, photos, blogs, and other outlets, corporations can communicate directly—without filters— with their stakeholders.
• Every media company is a multimedia company. Media companies are no
longer expected to limit their output to one format. Daily newspapers create
videos and blogs; TV networks develop written content; everybody blogs.
• Citizen journalism has its place alongside “traditional” media. It is being widely accepted that blogs and citizen journalism are not replacing traditional media, but have a special role to play along with traditional media.
• Academic programs best serve budding journalists with traditional
reporting and Web-based skills.
Engaging Consumers Through Social Networks - Key Learnings
Marketers are learning how to best tap into social networks to connect with consumers. Here are some key recommendations from marketing practitioners:
• “Let go” and invite users to help shape the brand.
• Grant consumers control over how and when they interact with the brand.
• Deliver content that is relevant, interesting, or entertaining. Consumers
do not differentiate between marketing and entertainment. They focus on what’s interesting to them.
• Do not interact only to push your product or build your brand.
• Avoid intrusion. Consumers must decide if they want to interact with the brand.
• Be transparent. Admit weakness. Be honest.
Marketers are learning how to best tap into social networks to connect with consumers. Here are some key recommendations from marketing practitioners:
• “Let go” and invite users to help shape the brand.
• Grant consumers control over how and when they interact with the brand.
• Deliver content that is relevant, interesting, or entertaining. Consumers
do not differentiate between marketing and entertainment. They focus on what’s interesting to them.
• Do not interact only to push your product or build your brand.
• Avoid intrusion. Consumers must decide if they want to interact with the brand.
• Be transparent. Admit weakness. Be honest.
Co-Creating Content - Key Learnings
• Consumers do not want to be marketed to. They want to be engaged in a regular dialogue.
• Consumers want to participate in the idea creation process to ensure that the
final product fits their needs.
• Consumers are creators, too.
• Consumers do not want to be marketed to. They want to be engaged in a regular dialogue.
• Consumers want to participate in the idea creation process to ensure that the
final product fits their needs.
• Consumers are creators, too.
Building Corporate Reputation from Inside Out - Key Learnings
• The Internet enables companies to communicate directly with their stakeholders without the filter of the media.
• New media encourages two-way communication between a company and its stakeholders.
• To assess corporate reputation, companies should monitor and evaluate blogs. This will enable them to engage in the dialogue at an early stage.
• The Internet enables companies to communicate directly with their stakeholders without the filter of the media.
• New media encourages two-way communication between a company and its stakeholders.
• To assess corporate reputation, companies should monitor and evaluate blogs. This will enable them to engage in the dialogue at an early stage.
Advocacy and Grassroots Engagement - Key Learnings
• The rules of the game have changed for the 2008 election. Now, nonprofessionals are creating campaign ads, asking questions at debates, and
shaping the national debate through blog discussions. Candidates and their
campaign staff have less control of issues, image, and reputation than ever
• The Internet allows advocacy groups to push presidential hopefuls to stay
on message and demand that they describe their policies in-depth.
• The Internet demands consistency from candidates. If they change their position on an issue, bloggers and YouTube videos will compare statements to show that the candidates’ views are not reliable.
• The Internet creates new resources for candidates.
• The rules of the game have changed for the 2008 election. Now, nonprofessionals are creating campaign ads, asking questions at debates, and
shaping the national debate through blog discussions. Candidates and their
campaign staff have less control of issues, image, and reputation than ever
• The Internet allows advocacy groups to push presidential hopefuls to stay
on message and demand that they describe their policies in-depth.
• The Internet demands consistency from candidates. If they change their position on an issue, bloggers and YouTube videos will compare statements to show that the candidates’ views are not reliable.
• The Internet creates new resources for candidates.
The Era of Citizen Journalism - Key Learnings
• Mainstream journalists now collaborate with bloggers to learn new trends, find new stories, check facts, and distribute breaking stories.
• Citizen journalism keeps mainstream journalism in check. Bloggers can lend credibility or support, or identify inaccuracies in a story.
• Public relations executives should write pitches to bloggers that are as customized as pitches to traditional media.
• Mainstream journalists now collaborate with bloggers to learn new trends, find new stories, check facts, and distribute breaking stories.
• Citizen journalism keeps mainstream journalism in check. Bloggers can lend credibility or support, or identify inaccuracies in a story.
• Public relations executives should write pitches to bloggers that are as customized as pitches to traditional media.
Ethics and Rules of Engagement in New Media - Key Learnings
• A person could never receive enough training in the role of ethics in new
media. Since the medium keeps evolving, train people to make ethical decisions.
• The first responsibility to be ethical belongs to the individual.
• Companies can and should hold their employees accountable. Then acting
ethically becomes both a corporate and an individual’s choice.
• A person could never receive enough training in the role of ethics in new
media. Since the medium keeps evolving, train people to make ethical decisions.
• The first responsibility to be ethical belongs to the individual.
• Companies can and should hold their employees accountable. Then acting
ethically becomes both a corporate and an individual’s choice.
Enabling the Digital Generation - Key Learnings
• Students need to not only learn new media but understand the implications of
each medium.
• In order to train the next generation of communication professionals, academics must keep up with how new media is being used by companies and agencies.
• To prepare students to be citizen journalists, professors must talk to them
about ethics and responsibilities.
• Professors should encourage students to publish their content on the Web. This will help them feel more accountable for the work and it allows for feedback from a larger audience.
• Students need to not only learn new media but understand the implications of
each medium.
• In order to train the next generation of communication professionals, academics must keep up with how new media is being used by companies and agencies.
• To prepare students to be citizen journalists, professors must talk to them
about ethics and responsibilities.
• Professors should encourage students to publish their content on the Web. This will help them feel more accountable for the work and it allows for feedback from a larger audience.
What's Next for New Media - Key Learnings
Experts use these criteria to judge the power and long-term prospects of new
media technologies:
• Traffic
• Viral popularity
• Does it build on existing platforms?
• Does it lower the cost of sharing information and collaboration?
Experts use these criteria to judge the power and long-term prospects of new
media technologies:
• Traffic
• Viral popularity
• Does it build on existing platforms?
• Does it lower the cost of sharing information and collaboration?
미국에서도, 전문 기자, PR 전문가, 마케팅 전문가, 학계 교수 등이 대거 참가하여 뉴 미디어에 대해 심도있게 논의한 행사는 이번이 처음이였다고 합니다. Key Learning Point 위주로 포스트를 올립니다만, New Media에 관심 많으신 분들은 리포트 전문을 읽어보시길 제안 드립니다.
행사 사이트(http://www.edelman.com/summit07/)를 방문하시면 여전히 주제별 동영상을 감상하실 수 있습니다. 도움이 되시길!
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뉴 미디어 보고서 - The Next Generation of Communication
Tracked from Chapter 2.0 2007/09/27 13:52 Delete지난 6월 PR독립회사인 Edelman HQ와 PR전문 잡지인 PRWeek가 공동으로 뉴 미디어를 주제로 컨퍼런스를 가졋다고 해요. 하드카피로만 가지고 잇는 자료라서 이걸 언제 다 번역해서 정리해서 공유하..